陳思光陶瓷藝術 Ceramic Art by Ray CHAN See Kwong
協作:莫鎧靖 In collaboration with Silvester MOK
土壤文創 及 味道圖書館:「家。釀」展覽
SOIL x PMQ Taste Library : Vin de Hakka Exhibition
日期 Date : 19.8.2022 - 18.9.2022
時間 Time : 11:00am – 6:00pm
地點 Venue : H504, Block B, PMQ Taste Library
查詢 Contact : team@craftbysoil.com/ +852 9559 3908
Please download the interactive App to join us.
Share how to make your own Hakka rice wine
Wine cup design
Purchase wine cup
【以陶藝重新演繹客家飲食文化 —— 「家。 釀」展覽】
展覽同期更有三場分享會,與藝術家陳思光、莫鎧靖和擁有客家背景的 Erikson Ting 、Nicole's Kitchen Hong Kong 一起從陶藝聊到釀酒和各種客家菜餚。兩位廚師更會示範現代與客家經典菜,重現客家「好客」精神!
以下分享將會以廣東話進行 The following talks will be conducted in Cantonese.
舊酒‧新呈 - 從飲食說客家文化
講者 Speakers : 陳思光 、 Erikson Ting
日期 Date : 27.8.2022
時間 Time : 3:00 - 4:30pm
. 示範以黃酒製作飲品
講者 Speakers : 陳思光 、Nicole’s Kitchen
日期 Date : 3.9.2022
時間 Time : 3:00 - 4:30pm
.Nicole 會以藝術家特製的酒樽釀酒,用釀製的黃酒示範黃酒海鮮
與陳思光 談「陶」説「酒」
講者 Speakers : 陳思光 、莫鎧靖 Silvester Mok
日期 Date : 17.9.2022
時間 Time : 3:30 - 5:30pm
陶藝家陳思光探索了客家釀米酒(黃酒)的傳承作為展覽的主題。 這些黃酒在結婚、滿月、新年的場合往往是主角,表達著家人的祝福。即使來自同一地區,每個客家家庭都有其獨特的釀酒方法,當中常伴隨著很多有趣的故事。陳思光對此最感興趣,並渴望了解更多不同地方的客家釀酒故事。 而在各種釀酒的方法中,他發現當中有一個步驟「炙酒」與燒陶的「薰燒」很相似。「炙酒」是用泥塗抹在酒甕表面,然後用稻草、穀殼埋著酒甕,再用火燒,通過火的高溫使酒變得更香醇。陳思光於是參照這方法,將「釀酒」的概念轉變成「釀陶/泥」,加入發酵、糯米、炙酒、黃酒料理等元素,創作出全新系列的陶瓷作品及酒器,並希望以此引起大家對客家文化的興趣,同來參與分享自家釀製黃酒的方法、食譜和故事。
時移勢易,由於居住環境局限,使用傳統大酒甕釀酒已經不太容易。 一些居住在城市的客家家庭只能用現成及方便收納的器皿來代替陶甕。 而客家人年輕的一代對釀酒已不太熱衷,只視之為長輩們的手藝, 這現象也讓陳思光反思創新與傳統是否可以共存。
Ceramic artist Ray Chan See Kwong has always loved searching for beginnings in traditions, finding inspiration from it, and recasting the old in new light. What attracted his attention this time was the brewing of Hakka rice wine (yellow wine). As Hakka passed through different dynasties and regions, their wine brewing picked up a diverse mix of methodologies. But there was a common thread – brewing was primarily carried out by the females of the house. And these yellow wines had a central role in weddings, babies’ full month ceremonies and new year celebrations, conveying blessings from the family.
Different Hakka families, even from the same region, have their own unique brewing techniques, which are often accompanied by many interesting stories. Ray was very keen to discover these stories. Among the numerous techniques, he found that one of the steps, ‘roasting wine’, was very similar to ‘smoke firing’ in ceramics. One way of ‘roasting wine’ was to apply mud onto the external surface of the wine pot, burying the pot in straw and husks, and then mellowing the wine by firing it to medium heat. With reference to these various Hakka techniques, Ray applied the concept of ‘wine brewing’ to ‘clay/mud brewing’, introducing elements of fermentation, glutinous rice, wine roasting, yellow wine dishes and so on, and creating a new series of ceramic works and wine vessels. He hoped to arouse public interest in Hakka culture through his work, and encouraging others to share their own wine brewing experiences, recipes and stories.
It is increasingly difficult to brew wine using traditional huge ceramic wine urns due to the lack of space in the home. Some Hakka families living in the city would replace these urns by using containers that are readily available and could be easily stored, such as glass bottles. Wine brewing is not popular among younger Hakka people as it is considered a handicraft of bygone generations. He reflected on whether innovations and traditions could coexist. Ray collaborated with an up-and-coming ceramic artist Silvester Mok and used 3D printing technology to create a modern ceramic wine urn, hoping that the tradition of Hakka wine-brewing could have a place in this age of innovation, raising the level of interest and participation of the new generation, and re-establishing Hakka wine brewing as a fashionable heritage. Ray has specially designed an interactive App for audience to submit their wine cup designs and to share their brewing recipes and tasting notes. He may conduct private guided tasting of these wines at the exhibition.
陳思光先後於英國劍橋大學取得學士及碩士學位,其後於二零零二年修讀香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦之藝術學士課程,主修陶瓷,並於二零零七年取得藝術碩士學位。他曾獲選到日本、韓國及愛沙尼亞參與藝術家駐場計劃 。陳思光是現任香港藝術學院及香港浸會大學的兼職講師及香港當代陶藝協會副會長,部分作品為香港文化博物館所藏。
Ray Chan’s works criss-cross between historical accounts and narratives, often deploying unexpected use of mediums. He is interested to unearth the past through layering, moulding, firing and experimenting in his ceramic practice.
Having received his BA and MA degrees from the University of Cambridge, U.K., Ray also obtained his BA (Fine Art) and MFA degrees from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School) in 2002 and 2007 respectively. Over the years, he has participated in Artist-in-residence programs in Japan, Korea and Estonia. Ray is currently a part-time lecturer at the Hong Kong Art School and Hong Kong Baptist University and the Vice Chairman of the Contemporary Ceramic Society (H.K.). His artworks are in the collection of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.