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In collaboration with Victor Wong

“I reassemble and reconstruct these discarded pieces into sculptural objects. I wish to create a new life for these discarded, unwanted items by dissecting,reassembling and combining them with other components. I attempt to pick on the possibility that every object’s ultimate destination could be entirely different to its original purpose. The results are often playful and refreshing, giving a new perspective to the familiar, and the unfamiliar.

Reassemble 意即重整。Victor Wong 把拾回來的物料,有些更是別人創作時餘下的,重新認識不同金屬的紋理丶重拾丶整理丶解構,重新再拼合,加上新元素。我們都相信手造的可能性,可以是無限。

Victor Wong has become a jewellery designer after his graduation from the Academy of Visual Arts of The Hong Kong Baptist University since 2012. Victor combines jewellery with elements of sculpture and crafts to produce pieces which can be worn or can simply exist as objects in their own right.

30 May - 28 Jul 2014



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